Dorothy Ho

  • Total activity 33
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Latest activity by Dorothy Ho
  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Reporting: Who did we reach? report

    In this article we'll go through the “Who did we reach” report and what the different metrics mean. When you download the report, it will be a csv file. We recommend using a spreadsheet program lik...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Reporting: Orientation to the Reporting module

    Reporting is a new part of the app that will give you the ability to run and download your own templated reports! We’re starting with the first report called “Who did we reach?” This report is all ...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Statuses: Updating client status

    Client status in the client chart When you're looking at a client's chart, you'll see their status located under their IMPaCT ID on the left hand side of the page. You can update their status at an...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Statuses: Definitions and system management of statuses

    Statuses: Definitions Throughout a client's time with your program, they will go through different stages, for example from being eligible for the program to working with a CHW to completing their ...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Client list: Expanded columns and Action filter

    The default view of the client list is information that you’ll see for all clients across all statuses. Now we’ll cover the fields that you see when you click on the large, teal arrow button on the...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Client list: Default view

    Let's learn how to navigate the client list. After you log in as a CHW you'll be taken to the Clients where you'll see a list of clients in your organization. This list includes clients at all diff...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Product update: Reporting module release

    What: This is what you’ve all been waiting for: a self-serve module where you can run and download your own templated reports! The very first report we’re releasing is called: the ‘Who Did We Reach...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Product update: Status management and status window

    What: We’re updating the status pop-up. It’s what appears when you click on the “Update status” button. We’re also updating how certain statuses are managed. The changes are all based on your feed...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Product update: Client list new features and enhancements

    What: We are putting the client list to work! It will now help you prioritize clients for tasks like outreach, running the list and Meet the Person (MPI). You’ll see new columns –e.g. Date of eligi...

  • Dorothy Ho created an article,

    Enrollment Planner: Viewing the enrollment tracker bar

    Orientation to the enrollment tracker bar The enrollment tracker bar helps you keep track of how many clients have been enrolled at an organization, program, and CHW level. As mentioned in Enrollme...