What: We are making a few changes to the client profile:
- We’re putting in a warning that will prevent folks from creating duplicate records for any client.
- We are adding a few extra fields like race, ethnicity and client email.
- We’re streamlining the layout of the client profile so it’s easier to navigate.
Why: Do you hate having duplicate records for a given client? Yep, we figured. Do you care about collecting data on important client demographics like race, ethnicity, email and veteran status? We know!
How: All these updates will be on the client profile when you sign in on October 22, 2024!
The basics:
- Smooth new layout with collapsible section headers
- New fields for: race, ethnicity, veteran status, and client email
- If you try to create a record for a client who already exists in the app… ya can’t :)
- We recommend using the updated template (attached at the bottom of the article) for the eligibility file so you can have complete demographic data for all your clients.
- For clients who were referred, referring provider email is no longer required.
- The changes we are making will prevent you from creating new duplicates. We will be working with your teams to clean up any existing duplicates.
- Level-up: Check out this video walkthrough of what you’ll see.
- Dig deeper: Get into the details of how the updated client profile and duplicate prevention works.