The default view of the client list is information that you’ll see for all clients across all statuses. Now we’ll cover the fields that you see when you click on the large, teal arrow button on the right of the default client list. This opens up additional fields to apply to Enrolled clients only. If a client is not Enrolled, then the values in these columns will be blank.
Expanded columns
Let's take a closer look at the view with the expanded columns. You'll notice that the first two clients on this list don't have any information in these columns. That's because they are not enrolled and their status is Pending. Clients who are enrolled will have information in these columns.
Here's what each of the columns mean:
Start Date: date the client enrolled
Graduation: Expected Graduation date. This is calculated as start date plus the expected duration of the program. For example, if it’s January 1 and the program is 2 months long, this would say March 1. If your program doesn’t have an expected duration then this shows up as N/A.
Mgr Review: date of last manager review. Whenever a manager reviews a chart the date of that review is recorded and displayed here.
Last Contact: this is the date of the last successful encounter – when the CHW had contact with a client. (If they reached out and didn’t get ahold of them, then it doesn’t count.) Of note, this is a different metric from the weekly contact report that is mentioned in supervisor training.
MPI: whether the MPI is complete during this enrollment (MPI note, screener submitted, and snapshot not blank)
Roadmaps: % of roadmaps set this enrollment that are completed. This includes Goals and To-dos. Goals and To-dos are counted the same in this metric -- for example if a client has 2 goals and 8 to-dos, and they have completed 4 of them, then this metric will be 40%.
When a column is red
You’ll notice that some of these columns are red, that's to let you know there’s something that needs your attention. Here’s why a value would appear as red:
Graduation: Expected graduation date is in 1 week or less.
Mgr Review: Date of last manager review was more than 2 weeks ago or client has never had a manager review
Last Contact: Last Contact was more than 2 weeks ago
MPI: MPI is incomplete. If any one of MPI note, screener, or snapshot is incomplete, then the MPI is incomplete.
Roadmaps: 0% of roadmaps are complete
Action filter
Now that you're oriented to the extended columns, let's talk about the Action filter. The action filter sits at the top of the client list with the other filters. When you open the Action filter, you’ll see the following options: Run the list, Engage, MPI, Outreach, and Support. These are all actions that can be taken for clients. When you select a particular action, you’ll see the clients who need that action taken.
Here's what each of the filters display:
Run the list: This captures every Enrolled client a supervisor might consider covering in a regular Run the list session. When this filter is selected, every client that is Enrolled and has at least one column in the red will be on the list.
Engage: These are Enrolled clients who haven’t been reached in 2 weeks and are priority for a visit or call. When this filter is selected, everyone on the list will have a "Last Contact" date that is red.
MPI: These are Enrolled clients who need their MPI completed. As mentioned above, for MPI to be complete, the MPI note must be finalized, the screener submitted during this enrollment, and the snapshot can’t be blank. When this filter is selected, everyone on the list will display “No” for their MPI column.
Outreach: These are clients who are not enrolled, but are higher priority for enrollment outreach as they are referred and their status is Pre-outreach, Pending, Maybe or Not Reached.
Support: These are Enrolled clients who are starred or have 0% of roadmaps done. Since roadmaps are both goals and to-dos you’ll want to help get these clients started on their goals for working together. When this filter is selected, everyone is either starred or has a Roadmaps number in the red.
That's everything you need to know about the client list! If you'd like to have a walkthrough, please watch this video. Still have questions? Please reach out to us at