Reporting is a part of the app that will give you the ability to run and download your own templated reports! In this article we'll orient you to how the reporting module works and the different files that are available for each report.
Reporting home: report selection
When you sign in, you’ll see there’s a tab at the top of the app called Reporting. Once you’re in the Reporting module you can use the report selector on the upper right to select the report that you're interested in. Once you select a report the background image updates and a description of the report appears at the top.
Once you've selected a report, you'll see 2 sections on the report's page: at the top, a place to select the report's parameters; at the bottom a the button where you can download report files. Let’s dive into each of these sections.
Report parameter selectors
To get started downloading your report, you’ll use the selectors at the top of the page to choose the program, CHW, and date range you want the report to reflect. Here's how to use the selectors.
1. Program: This is where you can select your program of interest for your report. When you click on Program you’ll see a list of all the programs your organization has had – both past and current programs. You’ll see that you can either select multiple programs or an individual program.
2. CHW: The CHW field has all of the CHWs past and present who have been associated with the program that is selected in the Program field. Similar to the status pop-up window, CHW and program fields are interrelated. If you select the CHW field first, the programs that appear in the Program field will be only those programs that the CHW has been or is currently associated with.
3. Start Date and End Date: Use these fields to input the start and end of the time period that you want the report to cover. For the Outreach report that covers outreach, enrollment, and graduation events the report will show all the information for these events that happened within the reporting period.
Download section
Once you’ve filled out all the fields at the top of the page you’ll see the “Download” button become active. To see the kinds of reports you can download, click on the arrow on the right side of the download button.
You’ll see 3 options; from bottom to top they are:
- Report: This is the main report that will provide the data around outreach, enrollment, and graduation for the program and CHW that you selected. For the Who did we reach? report it will help you answer questions like: How many clients have I outreached? What percent of these clients agree to accept services? How many clients are graduating versus getting lost or withdrawing?
- Raw data: This is a data file (a csv) that has the raw data on all of the events behind the data you see in the main report. Use this if you’re interested in drilling down into the details of the data you see in the main report. This report is available to managers and directors.
- Data definitions: This file has all of the definitions for metrics that are in the main report. It will let tell you how each metric is calculated and what it means.
Once you select the file you’re interested in, download will automatically start.
To learn more about the Outreach report continue on to this article. For the Activity report, go to this article.