In the application, you'll come across different options for the type of note you're working on.
Here are some helpful definitions on what these note types mean and when to use them.
- Chart Review: This note type is used by supervisors when they are reviewing a client chart to give feedback to the client's CHW on how they are doing with their documentation and work with the client.
- End of Life: Use this note type to document of discussions around end of life planning with a client who is near the end of their life and/or their family. Could be used for potential hospice visits, family check-ins, etc.
Enrollment: Use this note type to document the result of your enrollment call with a potential client and to record whether they have consented to text messaging.
- Enrollment - Child: Use this note type for enrollment documentation when the client is a child and the enrollment conversation is with the client's parent/guardian.
- Enrollment - Teen: Use this note type for enrollment documentation when the client is a teen and the enrollment conversation is with the teen and may or may not include the client's parent/guardian.
Follow Up: This is a note type you will use a lot! Use this to keep track of what happened when you attempt to connect with a client that you're already working with. Reasons to use this form:
- You reached out to a client (by phone or in-person), but you didn't get ahold of them -- jot this down so that you and your team can keep track of how often reach-outs are occurring and to keep track of what kinds of reach-outs seem to work better than others.
- You met up with your client in-person or chatted on the phone or a video call -- jot down what you all did or talked about together to keep track of your work together.
- Graduation: Use this note type to summarize your graduation visit with your client! During this visit you want to review all that you've accomplished together, what they will continue working on, and their sources of support going forward.
- Health Goal: This note type is for recording a health goal that your client has set with you and their doctor, what steps they want to take to meet this goal, and any guidance about reaching goal from the client's doctor.
- Hospitalization: Use this note type when you have a client who is hospitalized and you are meeting them in the hospital to check on them or to help support them when they will be discharged.
Meet the Person Interview (MPI): After you confirm a client wants to enroll this will be one of the first notes you'll create in their chart. This form is for documenting what the client shared with you during the Meet the Person Interview including their life story, any specific resource or support needs they have, and the roadmaps you want to work on together. Since you'll be entering their roadmaps into the Roadmaps section of the application, you can use this note type to keep track of any additional context for the roadmaps that you don't put in the roadmaps section itself. (For example, why a particular goal is really important to your client.)
- Meet the Person Interview (MPI) - Child: Use this form for documenting the MPI with child clients. With child (and sometimes teen) clients, a lot of the MPI will often come from their parents or caregivers.
- Meet the Person Interview (MPI) - Teen: Use this form for documenting the MPI with teen clients.
- Mid-Pregnancy Follow Up: Use this note type when you're working with clients who are pregnant and checking in on how they're doing, planning for their delivery, and planning for how they will take care of their baby and other needs (like work, school, care for other children) after delivery.
- Post Delivery: This note type is for visits with clients who have recently delivered a baby. You'll be checking in on how your client is recovering after childbirth, their mood, resources and support, and also checking in on how baby is doing.
- Provider Appointment: Use this note type when you've either helped your client prepare for a doctor's appointment and/or you've attended that appointment with them.