Uploading Client Lists
If you need to add a large group of clients, rather than entering their information one at a time, you can also use a .csv file to upload a client list and save some time! To do that, you'll just need to click the button to the right of the search bar on the top right of the screen, highlighted in orange.
A pop up window will populate that looks like this:
Follow the prompts within the box to upload your client list after using the template provided in the link that says "this template". You can also see examples by clicking the "these instructions" and "example list" links highlighted in blue.
If this is your first time uploading a .CSV, click the link for "this template". A .csv template will automatically download to your computer. The template will either open in Excel or in Notes. If you don't have Excel on your computer, you can use Google Sheets. (You can find a guide on how to do that here.) You can also open the "example list" the same way for an example of how to use the template. Below is a sample of the first few columns of the template. Some of the information includes program names, customer IDs or MRNs, first and last name of the client, a preferred name, last 4 digits of the the client's SSN, date of birth, and phone number. However, it goes into further detail as you continue through the columns.
Error Types and their meanings
- Invalid file type: Make sure the file has been saved as a csv. You can save and/or download your document as a .csv in Excel and Google Sheets.
- Invalid File Size: File is larger than 1MB.
- Invalid Format Format: The formatting of your document is incorrect - check your data field formatting.
- Line Error: Line errors were found in your data set. By clicking download "download the error file", you'll be able to see where the errors are in your file.
Have additional questions that haven't been answered here? We're always here to help you and you're welcome to reach out to us at support@impactcarehq.com. 🙂